Personalized Spanish Language School


Sujets d'instruction

Écouter, parler, prononciation, lecture, rédaction, vocabulaire, grammaire et activités

Emploi du temps

Durée du cours
1-52 semaines
Débuts de séssion
Tous les lundis
Cours par semaine
20 leçons par semaine (chaque leçon dure 60 min)
Jours de classe
lundi - vendredi
Jours fériés
01 mai 2024, 25 juil. 2024, 15 août 2024, 15 sept. 2024, 25 déc. 2024

Personalized Spanish ne prévoit pas de cours durant des jours fériés indiqués ci-dessus. L'école n'offre pas de remboursement pour ces jours manqués donc faîtes attention en choississant vos dates de voyage.

Heures de cours

You can choose from the following class times:

Session du matin
08:00 - 12:00
Session de l'après-midi
13:00 - 17:00

L'emploi du temps du cours peut changer selon la disponibilité et la saison.

Description des cours

Study Spanish in a group of 1 - 3 students. Classes are personalized to meet the needs of the students in the group. Class groups may change week to week and are organized based on the student’s levels and personal needs.

(Given our intent to find the best group placement for our students, there may be weeks when a student who has signed up for group classes is placed in one-on-one classes at no additional charge. If this occurs, there is no guarantee as to whether the student will remain in private classes during future weeks.)


After week #5; price is $280 for any additional week.

Niveau du cours

Tous les niveaux, de débutant à avancé
Vous passerez un test lors de votre premier jour de classes pour déterminer votre niveau de langue. Vous pouvez aussi prendre cet examen avant votre arrivée à San José

Taille du cours

Moyenne 2 étudiants
Maximum 3 étudiants

Age des étudiants

Tranche d'âge 13 - 90 ans
Moyenne 29 ans
(28 en été)


Un certificat d'accomplissement vous sera présenté à la fin de votre cours
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  • Activités proposées à Personalized Spanish Language School 1/58
  • Personalized Spanish Language School 2/58
  • Classes at Personalized Spanish Language School 3/58
  • Salle de cours à Personalized Spanish Language School 4/58
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  • Entrée de Personalized Spanish Language School 7/58
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  • Famille d'accueil proposée par Personalized Spanish Language School 30/58
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  • Hotels offered by Personalized Spanish Language School 38/58
  • Hotels offered by Personalized Spanish Language School 39/58
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  • Professeurs et personnel de Personalized Spanish Language School 50/58
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100% recommendent

basé sur 2 avis
5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoile
Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales

"Had a great time at the Personalized Spanish school in Costa Rica!"

Marianne van Es, etudiant de Pays-Bas

Being the only student at my level I had private lessons during my first week at the school. The teaching was excellent!
In retrospect I would have preferred a more lively location of the school, it is very beautiful in a very quiet village, not much to do.

The housing could not have been better, enjoyed my homestay very much.

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Mes notes pour cette école

Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales
Durée des études
1 semaine
Dates d'étude
2 Feb 2015 - 13 Feb 2015
Recommanderiez-vous cette école à un ami ?
C'est un commentaire vérifié. L'étudiant qui a écrit ce commentaire a réservé un cours au près de cette école avec Language International.
Dayla Arias, School assistant at Personalized Spanish Language School responded to this review.
15 April 2015

Thanks for your review of Personalized Spanish! We enjoy hearing that you liked your time with us!

"A phenomenal week of instruction by a professor who adapted his skills to my needs."

Matthew R. Lindsley

10 years ago I studied at Personalized Spanish as an intermediate Spanish speaker, and achieved an advanced level. I have fond memories of the friendships I built with the staff and other students. Upon returning, I envisioned a school which was different from 2003. I found that the school has changed, but only for the better! And it has kept the same mission- to deliver tailored Spanish lessons to all students, young or old.

My instructor, Ariel, encouraged me to converse openly. He was comfortable going off topic to allow me to express my thoughts and opinions, and still worked in the grammar lessons I requested. He kept the atmosphere comfortable and modified plans when I wanted to work harder in one area over another.

I felt safe in the neighborhood and at home with the host family. We watched The Voice and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire in Spanish, and I thought to myself, "This is what I would be doing at home, and I'm doing it here in Costa Rica!" I talked with my host familiy about politics, the environment, and the economy. They were so welcoming and friendly. I miss our talks and sharing stories.

I highly recommend those who want to excel in learning Spanish to spend at least a week at Personalized Spanish. The staff are able to accommodate any needs you may have from airport pick up to dietary restrictions. The school activities are fun, educational, and well organized. I wish I could have stayed a month!

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Mes notes pour cette école

Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales
Dates d'étude
5 Aug 2013 - 9 Aug 2013
Recommanderiez-vous cette école à un ami ?
Dayla Arias, School assistant at Personalized Spanish Language School responded to this review.
20 January 2015

Thanks a lot for your review. We tried to make people feel comfortable while they are having fun learning a language.

For us a student needs to be involved in the culture as much as possible in order to felt in love with the language, we are glad that you did!

We hope to see you back in Costa Rica soon!



Personalized Spanish offrent les types de logement ci-dessous:

Chambre chez l'habitant - Chambre simple - Petit-déjeuner et le dîner

239 €

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

Tranche d'âge: 3 - 90 ans
Emplacement: Outside the city center of San José
Type de logement: Chambre chez l'habitant
Type de chambre: Chambre simple
Plan repas: Petit-déjeuner et le dîner (12 repas par semaine)
Installations: Cuisine, blanchisserie, internet sans fil, internet gratuit, salle de télévision, surveillance 24/7, jardin, et autres
Distance à l'école: 2 - 15 minutes en promenade
Disponibilité: janvier - décembre
Jour de l’arrivée: dimanche, à tout moment
Jour du départ: samedi, avant 12:00
239 €
Personalized Spanish offers your choice of a home stay with a Costa Rican family in upper/middle class neighborhoods or accommodations in an apartment or hotel. All of our home stay families are carefully selected and have years of experience working with students from all over the world.

We are proud of our families for the attention and love they offer to their guests. The families treat each student as a member of the family and they are involved in the learning process of each one of our students.

We encourage our students to experience full immersion by staying with Spanish-speaking families. With your host family, you will have the opportunity to practice your Spanish daily in a real world setting, interacting with native Spanish-speakers. Many of our hosts are willing to take their guests to church, family gatherings, local site-seeing trips, or other outings, such as to the grocery store or farmer’s market. This is the best way to really get to know Costa Rica and its culture.

Beautiful home stays in some of the best neighborhoods in Costa Rica
All home stays are located within walking distance from the school
Students have their own private room.
Every day, students receive a hearty breakfast and dinner of Costa Rican favorites
Laundry and cleaning service are included
There is also availability to accommodate couples and families!

Price for home stay is based on 7 days/ 6 nights stays. Extra day cost $30

Appartement - Chambre simple - Sans repas

380 €

Private apartment - Single-person room - No meals

Tranche d'âge: 18 - 90 ans
Adresse: Varies, Tres Rios, Cartago, Costa Rica
Emplacement: Outside the city center of San José
Type de logement: Appartement privé
Type de chambre: Chambre simple
Plan repas: Sans repas
Installations: Salle de bain privée, cuisine, blanchisserie, téléphone, internet sans fil, internet gratuit, salle de télévision, surveillance 24/7, et autres
Distance à l'école: 10 - 20 minutes en autobus
Disponibilité: janvier - décembre
Jour de l’arrivée: dimanche, à tout moment
Jour du départ: samedi, avant 12:00
380 €

Hôtel - Chambre simple - Petit déjeuner

660 €

4-star hotel - Single-person room - Breakfast

Tranche d'âge: 18 - 90 ans
Adresse: San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, 2050 Aptdo. 2166, Costa Rica
Emplacement: Outside the city center of San José
Type de logement: Hôtel 3 étoiles
Type de chambre: Chambre simple
Plan repas: Petit déjeuner (7 repas par semaine)
Installations: Salle de bain privée, téléphone, informatique, internet sans fil, internet gratuit, salle de télévision, bois, climatisation, surveillance 24/7, jardin, et autres
Distance à l'école: 20 minutes en autobus
Disponibilité: janvier - décembre
Jour de l’arrivée: dimanche, après 02:00
Jour du départ: samedi, avant 12:00
660 €

Assistance visa

Nous ne pouvons pas faire de demande de visa au nom des étudiants.

Vols et transfert à l'aéroport

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to San José based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Assurance voyage

Etudiez a l'étranger sans souci avec notre assurance maladie et voyage. Lorsque vous réservez un cours avec nous, vous pouvez opter pour l'achat d'une assurance internationale qui couvre non seulement le coût des soins de santé, mais aussi la perte de vos affairs personnels. Vous devez réserver votre assurance à l'avance lorsque vous vous inscrivez.

En savoir plus sur notre assurance »

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Questions et réponses

Questions? Notre personnel ainsi que les anciens étudiants de Personalized Spanish Language School y répondent.

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