Arabic Tutor Online
100 Fernside Court, Greenville, South Carolina 29617, USA
Arabic Tutor Online
L'emploi du temps du cours peut changer selon la disponibilité et la saison.
This course is for the university students in upper-intermediate level of MSA 10.
Course Materials:
-Louis, Samia, Lughatuna al-Fusha book 6, units 3 and 4 / AlKitab P3
-Listening website:
-Wehr, Hans. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic
-Authentic materials based on students’ learning needs survey
-Learning Outcomes for High Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic:
At this level, students are exposed to a variety of texts which enrich their knowledge of sophisticated vocabulary. The levels also widen the scope of the students’ understanding of different written styles, i.e. the informative, argumentative, philosophical, scientific, and literary styles which are used at different times by different writers. Users will be able to use the language flexibly & effectively in social & professional situations. Students revise grammar and morphological rules taught in previous levels.
You can choose to study:
*by week
*full course (MSA minimum 5hrs/week)
*combined course (MSA&ECA or Sudanese Arabic or Levantine) (Minimum 10 hrs/week)
--prices differ between them.
- Student receives 2 hours of conversational classes for free when booking 30 or more hours.
- If you have a background in Arabic, it's recommended to undertake an online Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) to asses your level conducted by a certified specialized tester by ACTFL.
Moyenne | 2 étudiants |
Maximum | 6 étudiants |
Tranche d'âge | 16 ans et plus |
L'école se spécialise dans l'instruction !of Arabe aux étudiants étrangers comme vous. Les classes de cette école sont petites en taille (6 étudiants maximum) et tous les professeurs parlent Arabe comme premiere langue.
ATO has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in !country. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Le mélange d'âge et de nationalité à Arabic Tutor Online varie selon la periode de l'année, les cours et les niveaux différent.
ATO ne prévoit pas de cours durant des jours fériés indiqués ci-dessous. L'école n'offre pas de remboursement pour ces jours manqués donc faîtes attention en choississant vos dates de voyage.
Questions? Notre personnel ainsi que les anciens étudiants de Arabic Tutor Online y répondent.
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