Kings Bournemouth
58 Braidley Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH2 6LD, UK
Kings Bournemouth
523 € discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Écouter, parler, prononciation, lecture, rédaction, vocabulaire et grammaire
Kings Bournemouth ne prévoit pas de cours durant des jours fériés indiqués ci-dessus. L'école n'offre pas de remboursement pour ces jours manqués donc faîtes attention en choississant vos dates de voyage.
L'emploi du temps du cours peut changer selon la disponibilité et la saison.
- This course is aimed at students who need to improve the key language skills needed to score as high as possible in all part of the IELTS exam.
- It combines general English with dedicated IELTS exam preparation lessons.
- Lessons per week — 28 lessons total (21 hours). 20 lessons (15 hours) General English + 8 lessons (6 hours) IELTS preparation
- A wide range of areas are covered in the course, focusing on the four parts of the exam: speaking, reading, writing and listening. In addition to exam-specific training, the course also helps students to develop their broader communication and English language skills.
- Students will be given training in exam techniques and strategies, such as working under exam condition, understanding the requirements of each section of the exam, and time management.
Moyenne | 14 étudiants |
Maximum | 14 étudiants |
Tranche d'âge | 16 ans et plus |
L'école Kings Bournemouth a deux campus dans la ville: le campus principal de Braidley Road qui se trouve dans un quartier résidentiel à 10 minutes du centre-ville, et le campus de St. Peters Quarter au cœur de Bournemouth (à proximité des cafés, des boutiques et de la plage).
À Braidley Road, les deux bâtiments impressionnants du collège sont entourés de jardins, de patios, de terrains sportifs et de tables de ping-pong. La cafétéria offre chaque jour une variété de repas chauds, dont des choix végétariens et Halal, des collations et des boissons. Il y a également un snack bar et des barbecues organisés l'été.
Les excellentes installations de Braidley Road comprennent des salles de classes équipées, des tableaux interactifs, deux laboratoires informatiques, un hall récréatif, une bibliothèque, un laboratoire scientifique, un studio d'art et un réseau wifi gratuit.
Le campus St Peters Quarter a un style moderne, conçu comme un loft. Il y a une grande ''zone étudiante'' avec des sofas et une TV. Il y a également des salles de classe spacieuses avec tableaux interactifs, un laboratoire informatique, un réseau wifi gratuit et une salle de prière. Une toute nouvelle résidence étudiante a ouvert ses portes en été 2016. Elle offre des chambres individuelles à quelques pas de l'école!
Le mélange d'âge et de nationalité à Kings Bournemouth varie selon la periode de l'année, les cours et les niveaux différent.
a des étudiants du monde entier, dont:
ne prévoit pas de cours durant des jours fériés indiqués ci-dessous. L'école n'offre pas de remboursement pour ces jours manqués donc faîtes attention en choississant vos dates de voyage.
Bournemouth est l'une des villes balnéaires les plus réputées au Royaume Uni. L'école Kings est l'une des écoles de langue les plus anciennes à Bournemouth. Elle se situe à 5-10 minutes du centre-ville et des magnifiques plages. L'école comprend deux bâtiments impressionnants entourés de jardins luxueux et de patios. Elle dispose également de ses propres terrains sportifs, d'une cafétéria et d'un hall récréatif. Les salles de classe sont spacieuses et la plupart ont des tableaux interactifs. Il y a un laboratoire informatique et un réseau Wifi gratuit à travers l'école. Quatre résidences étudiantes sont disponibles à Kings tout au long de l'année. Elles sont à quelques pas de l'école.
Overall I liked the school, teachers and everything. The stuff from school were very kind. On my first day the organsisation wasn't very good. We had to wait to do the photo but noone came so we asked them and they said we can go home because the woman who should do the photo isn't here. Some teacher I really loved but some not. Some of them weren't motivated. They came into the classroom and everyone want to go home. Also some of them let us go home earlier because they wanted to go home.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I had a good time, and met wonderful people.
Most other students in my school where from central or South America and stayed for up to a year there. The course in itself didn’t help me that much with my englisch but speaking to the other students did. If your englisch isn’t that good in the beginning the course definitely will help. If you are kind of advanced the system they use there doesn’t help that much, because you learn with books and do it chapter by chapter even tho you might already know the stuff.
In addition it doesn’t really help with you individual problems like writing or grammar.
I would recommend the course because I had a great time with the other students and teachers but would stay for longer- because everyone else does. Also I would only recommend it if your englisch isn’t that good.
Having studied at Kings College Bournemouth for 9 months on and off and living in such a peaceful and amazing city like Bournemouth has proven to be a wonderful and invaluable experience for me. From my perspective, coming such a long way from my country and immersing yourself in a new culture is a great catalyst for personal growth. Not only has my English improved but I have also learned a lot about life in the UK. The school in general is great and academic structure is excellent, so new students should make sure to get the most out of everything that is offered. The teachers are very versatile and professional while the administrative staff is friendly, attentive and always on hand. There are always lots of amazing activities one can participate in. All in all, everything is great! The only thing I'd like to tell the new students is to enjoy every minute because time goes really fast and for sure it will be the best experience of their lives. I will never forget the people I met here, the city I was living in and the teachers who gave me such invaluable knowledge! Thanks for everything!
Voir les détails » Lire plus...When I first arrived, it was a Saturday night and I didn't know anybody. The following day, I felt really lonely and just wanted to go back home. But my host sister and host dad were really kind and we got along great. Then my first day of school arrived. I was introduced to my class (I arrived a week late for my advanced class) and I already made friends. From then on, it was such a lovely time. I always looked forward to meeting my friends at school and also being with them in my spare time. We went to a lot of pubs, enjoyed nights out and always said to ourselves, "If we can go out tonight, we can also get up tomorrow." We hardly ever missed a day of school because we wanted to be there and learn! Linda and Kate made it easy to love coming to class every day and we still laugh about jokes that our assistant teacher Desmond made.
I'm really grateful that I passed my certificate, only because I was prepared really well! It never felt like a burden to study!
The extra curricular activities were a great way to spend some time with people who didn't usually go out with us. I still remember the day we took the photo in front of the new building when celebrating the queens jubilee.
Since then I have stayed friends with some of my classmates and even had some of them visiting me in Switzerland and vice-versa. It was a great experience! Thank you!
I began my leap year on September 18, 2011.
I first stayed in the best host family of the school, as they said. However, I just turned 18, and didn't know how to live away from my family and friends. So i just stayed home by myself on weekends, and did not have a lot of friends.
But then somebody invited me to some party, and then I was busy and out all weekends, and met plenty of people. Amazing people from all over the world!
At first, I thought that I would learn a lot by studying at school, but when the very last day came, I realized that I had learnt a lot more speaking with other people, and going out.
Furthermore, I felt really lonely the first three months, but I did not go out much. I remember all too well every day out, because it was like an adventure day, once in a while, when compared to the other six months. I have had so much fun that I can only talk about a few stories that happened to me, more parties than I will ever have and the best people by my side.
Some experiences cannot be told, they can only be lived.
Two years after I left, I still consider some of these people as my best friends, and they are the reason for my travels through the world.
* Classes
The main classes were good, and the teachers helped me improve my English. The Special Interest Group, on the other hand, was 50-50. Some of the SIG classes had poor teaching and were boring, without focusing on a main subject, while other SIG classes were good.
The best and worst class depends on the discretion of the teacher and class atmosphere.
* Housing
I have never been at a home-stay that was as worse as Bournemouth's homestay. That homestay was the lowest of the low that I've ever experienced. It had poor facilities and meals - they didn't consider vegetarians. We were not allowed to use the kitchen (even tap water). There was low water pressure; We couldn't walk normally in the room with the low and strange ceiling. It was extremely COLD (they turned on the heater for only four hours per day). They also didn't seem to have interest in me, and there were cold and indifferent.
Overall, they weren't a suitable home-stay house.
Because of this, I suggest that Kings' accommodation office has to systematically examine and assess their suitability for homestays.
Les familles d'accueil sont choisies avec beaucoup d'attention et permettent les étudiants de connaître la culture locale dans un environment sympathique lors de leurs études !of Anglais !in Bornemouth. Ces logements se trouvent généralement entre 10 et 30 de l'école par transport en commun. Les famillles offrent aussi des formules de repas qui donnent l'opportunité de déguster la cuisine locale. Si vous avez des demandes specifiques ou des restrictions diététiques (pour des raisons religieuses ou médicales), merci de nous en prévenir à l'avance. Sauf exceptions notés, votre logement commence le dimanche avant votre premier jour de classes et termine le samedi après votre dernier jour de classes. En savoir plus sur les familles d'accueil
Homestay - Twin - Half Board
Homestay - Single - Half Board
Homestay Extra - Single - En Suite - Half Board
Les résidences d'étudiants sont plus convenables pour un étudiant indépendant, qui recherche un logement propre et simple à un prix économique. Sauf exceptions notés, tous les étudiants doivent avoir 14+. Sauf exceptions notés, votre logement commence le dimanche avant votre premier jour de classes et termine le samedi après votre dernier jour de classes. En savoir plus sur les résidences d'étudiants
Town Centre: Post Office Road Residence - Twin - Self Catering
Town Centre: Post Office Road Residence - Single - Self Catering
Town Centre: St. Peters Residence - Single - Self catering
Charminster Residence - Single - Half Board
Nous ne pouvons pas faire de demande de visa au nom des étudiants. Cependant, l'école peut vous fournir tous les documents dont vous avez besoin pour préparer votre demande.
Les citoyens de l'Union européenne n'ont pas besoin d'un visa pour étudier au Royaume-Uni. Si ce n'est pas un citoyen de l'Union européenne, vous avez besoin d'un visa pour vivre et étudier au Royaume-Uni. Si vous avez besoin d'un visa et que vous souhaitez étudier au Royaume-Uni depuis plus de 11 mois, vous recevrez un numéro de référence appelé Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) que vous devez présenter à l'ambassade du Royaume-Uni avec votre demande de General Student Visa (GSV). Les étudiants qui ont réussi à réserver un séjour linguistique et qui ont payé leur cotisation recevront un CAS de! school_short_name. La législation britannique, un CAS ne peut être délivré aux étudiants qui désirent poursuivre des études de langue anglaise pour plus de 11 mois.
Si vous avez besoin d'un visa et étudiez au Royaume-Uni pour 11 mois ou moins, vous devez demander un visa de Student Visitor. En tant que visiteur étudiant, vous ne serez pas en mesure de travailler à temps partiel pendant leur séjour linguistique. Si vous envisagez d'étudier au Royaume-Uni pour 11 mois ou moins, une lettre d'acceptation sera envoyée à votre domicile par la poste, sans frais pour vous.
En savoir plus sur la façon d'obtenir un visa du Royaume-Uni »
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Bornemouth based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Etudiez a l'étranger sans souci avec notre assurance maladie et voyage. Lorsque vous réservez un cours avec nous, vous pouvez opter pour l'achat d'une assurance internationale qui couvre non seulement le coût des soins de santé, mais aussi la perte de vos affairs personnels. Vous devez réserver votre assurance à l'avance lorsque vous vous inscrivez.
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