English Language Skills Training (*20 hours of classes per week)

SLC Malaysia


Sujets d'instruction

Écouter, parler, prononciation, lecture, rédaction, vocabulaire, grammaire et activités

Emploi du temps

Durée du cours
4-52 semaines
Débuts de séssion
Tous les premiers lundis du mois
Cours par semaine
5 leçons par semaine (chaque leçon dure 240 min)
Jours de classe
lundi - vendredi

Heures de cours

Session du matin
09:30 - 12:00
Session de l'après-midi
12:30 - 15:00

L'emploi du temps du cours peut changer selon la disponibilité et la saison.

Description des cours

English Language Skills Training - Elementary/ Intermediate/ Advanced Level

Improve your day-to-day English usage by grasping the Basic Skills.
Intermediate Level will make English more challenging with students expose to practical skills on Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
Listening to Native English Language Speakers will be introduced with much practical.

IELTS Preparatory Academic / Exams

Maximise your International English Language Testing System exam skills and passing rate. Helping you achieve your place in a Local Malaysian or Foreign Universities

Niveau du cours

Tous les niveaux, de débutant à avancé
Vous passerez un test lors de votre premier jour de classes pour déterminer votre niveau de langue.

Taille du cours

Moyenne 12 étudiants
Maximum 12 étudiants

Age des étudiants

Tranche d'âge 18 - 45 ans
Moyenne 20 ans


Un certificat d'accomplissement vous sera présenté à la fin de votre cours
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  • Computer Lab 1/30
  • Students Recreation Room 2/30
  • Residence proposée par SLC Malaysia 3/30
  • Cours privés à SLC Malaysia 4/30
  • Etudiants de SLC Malaysia 5/30
  • Residence proposée par SLC Malaysia 6/30
  • Activités proposées à SLC Malaysia 7/30
  • Etudiants de SLC Malaysia 8/30
  • Residence proposée par SLC Malaysia 9/30
  • Residence proposée par SLC Malaysia 10/30
  • Classes at SLC Malaysia 11/30
  • Activités proposées à SLC Malaysia 12/30
  • Salle d'informatique à SLC Malaysia 13/30
  • Students and Teacher 14/30
  • Apartments offered by SLC Malaysia 15/30
  • Apartments offered by SLC Malaysia 16/30
  • Réception de SLC Malaysia 17/30
  • Activités proposées à SLC Malaysia 18/30
  • SLC Malaysia 19/30
  • SLC Malaysia 20/30
  • SLC Malaysia 21/30
  • SLC Malaysia 22/30
  • Etudiants de SLC Malaysia 23/30
  • Student Recreation 24/30
  • Activités proposées à SLC Malaysia 25/30
  • Etudiants de SLC Malaysia 26/30
  • Examination Hall 27/30
  • Activités proposées à SLC Malaysia 28/30
  • Activités proposées à SLC Malaysia 29/30
  • SLC Malaysia 30/30


50% recommendent

basé sur 2 avis
5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoile
Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales

"The Chinese language course did not reach my expectations."

Martina Huber, etudiant de Malaisie

The classmates where very nice and also the teacher. Sadly, there was only one Chinese teacher, who taught the Chinese Level HSK3 and HSK1. I needed to have a teacher for Level HSK6, so I did self-studying.

They also asked me to pay additionally 100€ for the placement test to find out my Chinese level. This placement test was not really a placement test because the test level was around HSK3, it did not get harder in the end, what you normally expect from a placement test.

For the money I payed for the 4 weeks, I really expected more. And yes, I compare this course with the one I did in China. Perhaps I cannot compare it with the courses in Malaysia and the courses in Malaysia are not so challenging.

The location was not so far away from my house, so it was very comfortable. Sadly we as students were not allowed to use the toilets in the SLC department but had to go to the public toilets instead. Nobody told us why. If they would have told us why, I would understand it. Perhaps it has something to do with the culture or covid etc.

The activities were fun but they were at the studying time and we had to pay for them. So we did not have class and also had to pay additionally.

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Mes notes pour cette école

Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales
Durée des études
3 semaines
Dates d'étude
1 Aug 2022 - 26 Aug 2022
Recommanderiez-vous cette école à un ami ?
C'est un commentaire vérifié. L'étudiant qui a écrit ce commentaire a réservé un cours au près de cette école avec Language International.

"SLC is a very nice and high-quality school with professional teachers and lecturers."


The classes are okay and they have excellent teachers.

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Mes notes pour cette école

Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales
Durée des études
10 semaines
Dates d'étude
19 Oct 2014 - 1 Jan 2015
Recommanderiez-vous cette école à un ami ?


SLC offrent les types de logement ci-dessous:

Appartement - Chambre simple - Sans repas

229 €

Private apartment - Single-person room - No meals

Tranche d'âge: 18 - 44 ans
Adresse: Jalan PJS 10/11, SS 10, Petaling Jaya, Selangor 46150 , Malaysia
Emplacement: Outside the city center of Petaling Jaya
Type de logement: Appartement privé
Type de chambre: Chambre simple
Plan repas: Sans repas
Installations: Salle de bain privée, cuisine, blanchisserie, salle de télévision, climatisation, surveillance 24/7, jardin, installations sportives, et autres
Distance à l'école: 20 - 40 minutes en autre
Disponibilité: janvier - décembre
Jour de l’arrivée: lundi, après 12:00
Jour du départ: vendredi, avant 12:00
229 €
SLC provides accommodation for students who reside outside the immediate vicinity of Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya and the Klang Valley.

Students will be housed in Suriamas Condo, a hostel which is approximately 10 minutes from SLC campus in Sunway.

Suriamas Condo equipped with many facilities to ensure the students' stay there is comfortable and convenient.

Students staying in the hostel can avail themselves of the following facilities

•IT Broadband Access
•Laundry Services
•Swimming Pool
•24 hour security

•Tennis Court
•Badminton Court
•Table Tennis
•Multipurpose hall

•BBQ pit
•Groceries Store
•Stationary Shop

Sriamas Condo is located strategically with easy access to and from major towns like Subang Jaya and Sunway and also the two major cities of Kuala Lumpur and Shah Alam.

Students can choose between Single Occupancy Rooms or even Double or Thriple Sharing Rooms. All rooms are also fully furnished. Selected rooms come with air-conditioning and water heating facilities.

TV rooms, reading rooms and prayer rooms area also provided for students' convenience.

*Some of this Facilities need advanced booking or fees applicable

Appartement - 2-personne en chambre partagée - Sans repas

344 €

Private apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals

Tranche d'âge: 18 - 45 ans
Adresse: Jalan PJS 10/11, SS 10, Petaling Jaya, Selangor 46150 , Malaysia
Emplacement: Outside the city center of Petaling Jaya
Type de logement: Appartement privé
Type de chambre: 2-personne en chambre partagée
Plan repas: Sans repas
Installations: Salle de bain privée, cuisine, blanchisserie, salle de télévision, climatisation, surveillance 24/7, jardin, installations sportives, et autres
Distance à l'école: 20 - 40 minutes en autre
Disponibilité: janvier - décembre
Jour de l’arrivée: lundi, après 12:00
Jour du départ: vendredi, avant 12:00
344 €
SLC provides accommodation for students who reside outside the immediate vicinity of Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya and the Klang Valley.

Students will be housed in Suriamas Condo, a hostel which is approximately 10 minutes from SLC campus in Sunway.

Suriamas Condo equipped with many facilities to ensure the students' stay there is comfortable and convenient.

Students staying in the hostel can avail themselves of the following facilities

•IT Broadband Access
•Laundry Services
•Swimming Pool
•24 hour security

•Tennis Court
•Badminton Court
•Table Tennis
•Multipurpose hall

•BBQ pit
•Groceries Store
•Stationary Shop

Sriamas Condo is located strategically with easy access to and from major towns like Subang Jaya and Sunway and also the two major cities of Kuala Lumpur and Shah Alam.

Students can choose between Single Occupancy Rooms or even Double or Thriple Sharing Rooms. All rooms are also fully furnished. Selected rooms come with air-conditioning and water heating facilities.

TV rooms, reading rooms and prayer rooms area also provided for students' convenience.

*Some of this Facilities need advanced booking or fees applicable

Assistance visa

Nous ne pouvons pas faire de demande de visa au nom des étudiants. Cependant, l'école peut vous fournir tous les documents dont vous avez besoin pour préparer votre demande.

Votre lettre d'acceptation sera envoyée à votre domicile par la poste sans frais. Si vous désirez recevoir vos documents par courrier express, vous serez facturé RM 2,500 lorsque vous vous inscrivez.

Vols et transfert à l'aéroport

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Petaling Jaya based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Assurance voyage

Etudiez a l'étranger sans souci avec notre assurance maladie et voyage. Lorsque vous réservez un cours avec nous, vous pouvez opter pour l'achat d'une assurance internationale qui couvre non seulement le coût des soins de santé, mais aussi la perte de vos affairs personnels. Vous devez réserver votre assurance à l'avance lorsque vous vous inscrivez.

En savoir plus sur notre assurance »

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Questions et réponses

Questions? Notre personnel ainsi que les anciens étudiants de SLC Malaysia y répondent.

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